Articles tagged with softirq:

operations interpretation transmitting wan networks testbed cable to sky TX hint skb HAP flowing engineering tc tcp rmem ethtool bandwith product driver queues scaling KVM/Qemu satellites up/down link backbone internet transmission queues airborne networking stack config airborne internet backbone optics tcp wmem genbackupdata queuing discipline system operations rsync cp flowing Traffic Control traffic flows transeive window scaling congestion control theory queueing resource usage sending socket radio links transmit packet steering ibvirt FSO links egress data migration user land core emulator bottle-neck utility perf json flow grouping msi XPS net traversal NAPI comparison data series explanation machine readable wireless suite c-ISP future backbones ss cwnd speed of light stack traversal global backbone network high altitude platform vs Monitoring laser communication mechanism introspection network paths nfs space-to-earth-link trouble shooting virt-builder flent nic driver flows automation metrics airship softirq ebpf fibre backbone analysis bcc traffic volume multi queueing correlation internet engineering atmospheric mitigation techniques tcp python tcp/ip statistics linux engineering tool qdisc kernel research networking tcp flows Tuning performance linux network stack